Join the Voice for Municipalities and Utilities
Increasingly stringent limits based on questionable science. Escalating costs to comply with permits with diminishing environmental returns. Aging and failing systems requiring significant capital investment. Little or no federal and state financial assistance. If these issues concern you, please join the Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship – the voice for municipalities. The Coalition focuses on education, research, and advocacy for sound and sensible solutions that protect the environment and public health without bankrupting communities. We monitor and respond to policy and regulatory proposals and actions that affect our members – proposals that always entail an added cost to communities. There must be greater responsibility and accountability from regulatory agencies and other stakeholders.
The Coalition has made great strides in reframing the regulatory environment by ensuring that state and federal elected officials and regulators hear and consider the concerns and interests of communities and local utilities. The Coalition has indeed become the voice for municipalities on water resources issues as communities struggle to balance competing demands for scarce resources. Regulations must be more holistic, practical, and environmentally and fiscally sustainable.
With your help, we can accomplish much more.
“The Coalition’s events offer valuable learning experiences that are immediately applicable to public agencies like ours. MCWRS brought in a keynote speaker on public engagement at a previous Annual Symposium who inspired me to initiate a rebranding process to help present our agency and its staff as environmental stewards whose work is worth the ratepayers’ investment. With all the varied challenges faced by professionals in the water sector, the Coalition offers easy access to networking and gaining tools to make our jobs easier. ”
Member Benefits
Every member receives the benefit of being part of a growing movement to make water resource policies and regulations responsible and sustainable. Additional benefits include:
Access to educational materials and opinion leaders
Strategies in support for your community’s regulatory concerns
Subscription to the Coalition’s email updates, reports, and other materials
Reduced rate for attending the Coalition’s events
Opportunity to be members of standing committees and vote on matters before the membership
Perhaps the greatest benefit of membership is adding your community’s voice to a growing number of Coalition members advocating for change. We hope you will join us to improve water resources stewardship and enhance the health of the environment and our communities.